I help women fearlessly trust themselves, on and off of the dance floor.

What would happen if you followed your curiosity without judgment; if you were the most free version of yourself?

Sign up for my Fearless Flow playshop to meet the most liberated and fearless version of yourself.

"I simply dance – not because of any music, but because I found the rhythm of life within myself.”


From fight to flow

🥊 For 20+ years I treated my body, and my life, as something to be mastered. Control from a place of fear.

💃🏽 Now, I dance; listening and trusting myself and my life, completely. Surrender from a place of trust.

🦋 Now, I only want flow, serenity, and presence, on and off the dance floor.

You’re invited on a journey to…

  • Trust yourself and your power, completely

  • Feel your feelings, without judgement

  • Fearlessly flow into the most liberated version of yourself

Sign up to join my free Fearless Flow playshop.

"Be like water making its way through cracks...If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless...Be water, my friend."

Bruce Lee

Fearless Flow

You’re invited to join me, on a journey to…

  • Trust yourself and your power, completely

  • Feel your feelings, without judgement

  • Fearlessly flow into the most liberated version of yourself

  • Allow flow 😌

Sign up to join my free live Fearless Flow playshop on May 21st at 1:00 PM Eastern.

Will the replay be available? Yes, sign up to receive it!

"Dance like everyone’s watching, especially you."

Ani Mercedes :)

Coming soon!

Goals with the Flow


Trust Your Power


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